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The Cash Out program financially rewards employees who choose to forgo bringing a motor vehicle to campus for one year. Its purpose is to reduce the number of single-occupancy motor vehicle trips to, from and around campus, and to promote modes of transportation that save money, foster healthier lifestyles and have lower environmental impacts.

Qualified employees who elect to participate will each receive up to $200 over a one-year period, which will be divided evenly on each paycheck. Participants will have the opportunity to renew for the following year if they would like to continue their participation. This program is part of a suite of alternative transportation options available to the UK community that also includes the free city-wide transit partnership with Lextran, the Bike Voucher program, and the Big Blue Cycles fleet for residential students. 

How it Works


The Cash Out program operates on the fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). Participants who enroll after the start date will receive a prorated amount. Program participants also receive 10 complimentary single-day permits that may be used when participants must bring a motor vehicle to campus. They also have the opportunity to purchase up to 40 additional single-day permits per fiscal year. 

The financial rewards of the Cash Out program extend well beyond $200. Over the enrollment period, individuals would also benefit from substantial cost savings associated with not purchasing a parking permit, as well as reduced fuel and maintenance expenses. Those who choose walking or bicycling as their primary mode of transportation may also realize reduced health-related costs.

If you are already enrolled in Cash Out and wish to continue the program for a second year, the program manager will reach out to you in June to see if you want to re-enroll. You do not need to fill out the application again.

Application Status

Applications for the Cash Out Program are now open.

If you have additional questions about the program, please email

Eligibility Information

Applicants for the Cash Out Program must meet certain eligibility requirements and be willing to commit to program guidelines.

  • Sign a car-free commitment that prohibits the purchase of a vehicle parking permit for one year. Participants may still purchase a limited number of single-day permits.
  • Priority will be given to employees who purchased a vehicle parking permit for the past fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), but those new to the university - who started in September 2023 or later - will also be given consideration.
  • Enrollment is not transferable.
  • Only employees with main campus assignments are eligible. Those who work at any of UK’s outlying offices where permits are not required for parking may not apply.
  • Only staff who work weekday, daytime shifts are eligible.
  • Employees applying for this program must work primarily in-person on campus. Remote workers are not eligible.
  • Employees with temporary work assignments must have a work assignment end date of at least two years later than the date of incentive issue to be considered for the program.
  • Employees must be employed in a taxable position and receive a regular paycheck. 
  • Participants must attend a short program orientation covering alternative mobility options, as well as campus and community resources for commuters. Missing orientation without rescheduling or notice may lead to removal from consideration.
  • Participants suspected of engaging in fraudulent behavior may be subject to further restrictions, repayment of the cash received, removal from the program and future disqualification from other alternative transportation programs.
  • If participants stop receiving a paycheck (i.e. unpaid leave, Family Medical Leave, etc.), they will forfeit their cash out incentive for that pay period.
  • Bi-weekly employees will not receive the cash out incentive on the third paycheck of the month during months that have three pay periods.
  • Participants are limited to one iteration of one alternative transportation incentive program. This means that you could do either Cash Out or Bike Voucher, but not both.