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Student locking up bike

Like any mode of transportation, it’s your responsibility to know the rules of the road and use caution when interacting with other bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorized vehicles.

The University of Kentucky has approved a Motorized Personal Mobility Vehicle Use Policy to ensure that bicycles, e-scooters, skateboards, segways and other motorized personal transportation devices operate safely on campus. 

Please read the policy and see more details below.

For more information about sharing the road, visit

Cyclists & E-Scooter Riders

  • Obey all traffic signs and signals. Stop at stop signs and red lights, just like you would if you were driving a car.
  • Go with the flow. Never ride against the direction of traffic.
  • Plan your route: Use the bike lane if one is available, or ride in the right 1/3 of the right-most lane if there isn’t a bike lane. Ride in the center of the lane on roads with sharrow markings.
  • Use front and rear lights at night or in low-visibility conditions. Bright or reflective clothing is recommended, as are helmets and other safety gear.
  • Be predictable. Make eye contact with motorists, and use hand signals to indicate your intentions.
  • Only park at bike racks: Bicycles and e-scooters locked to anything other than a bike rack are subject to impoundment.
  • Always yield to pedestrians: Slow down and scoot over to pass someone on foot, and give audible warning. Dismount to pass when sidewalks are crowded or narrow.
  • Personal vehicles are to be used for mobility purposes only: Racing, stunt, and trick riding are prohibited.
  • Personal vehicles are prohibited in campus buildings or on elevated pedestrian walkways.
  • Personal mobility vehicles not certified by the Underwriters Lab (UL) are prohibited on University property:  E-bikes, e-scooters, and other personal vehicles requiring electrical charging must meet electrical safety standards set forth by the UL and must be certified as UL Listed.
  • Ride only on paved surfaces. Don’t take shortcuts through the grass.


  • Open With Caution: Instead of using your near hand to open your car door, use your far hand. This causes you to swivel your body, which allows you to see any oncoming bicycles and avoid opening your car door in their path.
  • Don’t Speed or Text: Follow posted speed limits and follow distracted driving laws; don’t text while your vehicle is in motion.
  • Every Lane is a Bike Lane: Bicyclists have a right to the road so please be alert and patient. Expect cyclists on the road at any time. It is illegal to use a bike lane as a turn lane, for loading/unloading, or to park.
  • Be Alert: Check your mirrors. Watch for pedestrians and cyclists, yielding to them at crosswalks and intersections. Scan for cyclists before turning across a bike lane, driveway or onto another road.
  • Don't wave a cyclist through a stop:  People on bicycles are classified as vehicles in Kentucky and should go through the intersection in the same order they arrived. Don't encourage them to go through stops before you if you got there first.
  • Pass with Care: Bicycles are considered vehicles and should be given the appropriate right of way. A minimum of three feet is required by law when passing cyclists. Stay behind cyclists when you are turning right.

Motor Scooter Users

  • Use Appropriate Travel Avenues: Scooters, motor scooters and motorcycles are not permitted to drive or travel on sidewalks, bike paths, bike lanes or lawns.
  • Utilize Appropriate Parking Areas: Scooters, mopeds and motorcycles must use moped/motorcycle parking areas on campus. These areas are conveniently located throughout campus and are marked by the presence of signage, green lines or both. Scooters, motorcycles and motor scooters are not authorized to park at bicycle racks.