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UK Parking & Permit Regulations

The regulations set forth in this document are adopted pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Board of Trustees by the Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS 164.975), and were last updated on July 1, 2021. In addition to these regulations, UK HealthCare has developed a policy for when employees, students and associated partners may park in the UK HealthCare patient parking areas. UKHC Policy A10-055 may be found here (PDF)

The following information is located in each section, below:


A. Definitions

B. General Information

C. University Responsibilities & Individual Parking

D. Special Parking Circumstances

E. Knowledge of the Rules


A. Permit Eligibility and Application Requirements

B. Permit Fee Payments

C. Permit Fee Refunds

D. Permit Holders' Rights and Responsibilities

E. Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Permits


A. Restricted Parking Areas

B. Parking Violations

C. Penalties for Parking Citations

D. Penalties for Parking Regulations Violations

E. Vehicle Immobilization & Impoundment

F. Release Procedures for Impounded Vehicles

Appeal Procedure

A. An Individual’s Right to Appeal

B. The Appeals Process

Alternative Transportation

A. Bicycles

B. Mopeds

C. Motorcycles


A. Definitions

In the interest of clarity, the following definitions are provided:

1. ADA Accessible Area refers to a 24-hour controlled parking area restricted to vehicles displaying a UK Accessible Permit for individuals with disabilities.

2. ADA Accessible Permit refers to a parking permit issued to individuals with disabilities.

3. Bicycle means a device that a person may ride and that is propelled by human power and has two tandem wheels at least one of which is more than 14 inches in diameter.

4. Bike Lane means any portion of a sidewalk or roadway defined by signs, stencils, and paint that is dedicated for use by bicycles.

5. Bike Path means an area designated for the exclusive use of bicycles.

6. Bike Rack is an apparatus, specifically designed for providing a means of storing and securing a bicycle.

7. Blue Line Area refers to a restricted parking area designated by blue lines and/or signs.

8. Immobilization refers to use of a wheel locking device attached to a vehicle to render it incapable of movement.

9. Impoundment means a motor vehicle, pursuant to KRS 376.275, or bicycle has been involuntarily immobilized or towed/transported to a compound or storage facility due to a violation(s) of these regulations, the KRS or subsequent to an arrest, and its removal has been ordered by the University of Kentucky Police Department or Transportation Services and retained in custody pending payment of all citation, towing and storage fees.

10. KRS refers to Kentucky Revised Statutes.

11. Loading Zone refers to a 24-hour restricted parking area designated by black and yellow stripes and/or signs.

12. M Permit refers to a motorcycle/moped permit.

13. Moped means either a motorized bicycle whose frame design may include one or more horizontal crossbars supporting a fuel tank so long as it also has pedals, or a motorized bicycle with a step-through type frame which may or may not have pedals rated no more than two brake horsepower, a cylinder capacity not exceeding fifty cubic centimeters (50cc), an automatic transmission not requiring clutching or shifting by the operator after the drive system is engaged, and capable of a maximum speed of not more than thirty miles per hour (30 mph).

14. Motorcycle refers to any self-propelled, motorized vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider(s), designed to travel on not more than two wheels in contact with the ground, has a cylinder capacity greater than 50 cubic centimeters and a transmission that requires clutching or shifting by the operator after the drive system is engaged. Any motorized vehicle that has three or more wheels in contact with the ground, regardless of its cylinder capacity or transmission type, is defined as a car or truck for purposes of these regulations.

15. Motorcycle/Moped Parking Space refers to any parking space designated by green lines or parking signs.

16. Motorcycle/Moped Parking Area refers to any parking area designated by green lines or parking signs.

17. Permit Sleeve refers to a plastic device with a lock issued by Transportation Services to individuals with E, C, K or Off-Peak permits who also drive a motorcycle or moped to campus. These sleeves shall be attached to the rearview mirror of an automobile or to the handlebars or frame of a motorcycle or moped.

18. Transportation Services refers to the University of Kentucky Transportation Services.

19. Registrant refers to an individual who has registered a bicycle with Transportation Services.

20. Scooter is a term used interchangeably with “moped” but is not a defined term by the KRS. A scooter is considered a moped if, and only if, it is a self-propelled vehicle that fits all of the criteria of a moped. Otherwise, it is considered a motorcycle.

21. Service Area refers to a restricted parking area designated by yellow and white striped lines and/or signs.

22. Shared Use Path means any designated and marked pedestrian walkway, sidewalk, or area for use by both pedestrians and bicyclists.

23. UK HealthCare Patient and Visitor Parking or Patient and Visitor Parking means parking lots, parking structures, and other parking areas located on or adjacent to the University’s main campus restricted for exclusive use by qualified patients and qualified visitors unless otherwise authorized by Transportation Services.

24. UK HealthCare Qualified Patient or Qualified Patient means any person attending a bona-fide outpatient medical appointment or receiving inpatient treatment.

25. UK HealthCare Qualified Visitor or Qualified Visitor means any person accompanying a qualified patient to a medical appointment or inpatient treatment or visiting a patient while not working in an official capacity or attending class.

B. General Information

A valid parking permit or pass is required to park in selected lots on the University of Kentucky campus during restricted hours. Signs located at the entrances to these campus parking areas indicate the type of permit required, the hours of control, and tow zone. In paved lots and parking structures cars and trucks must park within two white lines. Green lines and/or signs indicate the parking spaces for motorcycles and mopeds. In gravel parking lots, vehicles shall be centered against wheel stops.

Additional regulations governing the parking and operation of motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles on campus are presented in the Alternative Transportation section of these regulations.

The responsibility of finding a proper parking space rests with the vehicle operator. A PARKING PERMIT DOES NOT GUARANTEE A PARKING SPACE; however, it does grant the privilege to park in the designated area when there is parking available. Inability to find a parking space is not a license to violate these regulations. Use of emergency flashers does not excuse parking in violation of these regulations.

Parking on campus is restricted to permit holders between 5:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and until 3:30 p.m. on Friday, unless otherwise posted. Parking zones and regulations pertaining to these areas are strictly enforced year-round.

Parking arrangements for special events should be made in advance by contacting the Transportation Services Special Events Coordinator. During special events, certain parking lots are restricted for event parking, and operators of motor vehicles may have to pay a fee to park in these lots or parking may be pre-paid by the event organizer.

Transportation Services has the authority to temporarily close individual parking lots, driveways, or other parking facilities, when necessary to accommodate the needs of the university. These include but are not restricted to street cleaning or maintenance, and parking for special events sponsored by or held at the university. When possible, notices detailing the restrictions, date(s) and time(s) will be advertised in advance of the closure or event.

Because the diverse parking needs of faculty, staff, students, and visitors must be accommodated, the time frame in which parking areas are controlled will vary. Signs located at the entrances to campus parking areas specify the hours of control. ADA accessible parking spaces and loading zones lines (black and yellow striped lines) are examples of 24-hour controlled parking areas.

The Director of Transportation Services, or designee, may exercise discretion to deal with special circumstances not covered by these regulations.

C. University Responsibilities and Individual Parking

The University of Kentucky assumes no responsibility for the care or protection of any vehicle or its contents while it is parked on University property. The University also assumes no responsibility for the care or protection of any vehicle or its contents during its removal or subsequent storage resulting from violations of these regulations.

The action of individuals parking and operating their vehicles on campus will be conclusive evidence of their willingness to abide by these regulations.

D. Special Parking Circumstances

1. Visitors

There are three recognized types of visitors to campus. They are general campus visitors, UK HealthCare qualified patients and UK HealthCare qualified visitors. Visitors are welcome at all times and may park in the following locations:

  1. General campus visitors
    • Pay parking meters
    • W.T. Young Library pay parking lot
    • Gatton Student Center pay parking lot
    • Cornerstone Garage (PS #5)
    • Sports Center Garage (PS #7)


  1. Designated UK HealthCare Patient and Visitor Parking
    • UK HealthCare Garage (PS #8)
    • Kentucky Clinic Garage (PS #3)
    • Good Samaritan Hospital Garage
    • Designated Good Samaritan Medical Office Building, Warren Court and Professional Arts Center visitor parking areas
    • Emergency Department parking at Chandler and Good Samaritan Hospitals
    • Markey Cancer Center Patient Lot
    • Main entry drives for Kentucky Clinic and Good Samaritan Hospital

In campus parking lots and structures where designated visitor parking is limited, Transportation Services offers visitor parking passes for a fee in permit-controlled areas.

The issuance of a parking pass does not guarantee a parking space.

2. Official Vehicles

Motor vehicles on official business bearing United States Government or Kentucky official license plates may park in designated service areas, subject to posted time restrictions and limitations, or in any valid parking space, with the exception of reserved and core parking areas during restricted hours, ADA accessible parking spaces and other signed spaces restricting general use. Service areas (yellow and white striped lines) have a two-hour time limit. Official vehicles are not permitted to park in ADA accessible spaces or zones and payment for parking meters is required. Official vehicles abandoned, stored, or left inoperative in a permit-controlled parking lot are subject to towing or immobilization. Official vehicles not used on a daily basis will be parked at remote locations of campus to be determined by the Director of Transportation Services. Official vehicles must adhere to the parking rules and regulations while on campus.

3. Construction Workers

Any general contractor who is employed by the University of Kentucky for campus construction is eligible to purchase two E parking permits at the current fee if approved by the Capital Project Management Division or Physical Plant Division. Only the general contractor and/or key subcontractors may use these permits during the construction period. Additional parking for construction workers is available in the K lots at Commonwealth Stadium or in lots designated by Transportation Services the Director of Transportation Services, or designee, must approve exceptions.

4. Special Events

Event organizers are asked to contact the Transportation Services Event Coordinator three weeks prior to an on-campus event requiring parking. Parking arrangements for events are prioritized on a first come, first served basis and as space is available. The Transportation Services Special Events Coordinator will assist organizers with parking arrangements, parking personnel to work the event, information signs, shuttle service, or other needs.

5. Parking During University Emergency Delays and Closures

In the event of emergency delays, closures or early dismissals, parking on campus will remain under normal control, unless otherwise communicated. All lots, garages and parking spaces will require a valid permit designated for that area.

E. Knowledge of the Rules

It is the responsibility of all individuals operating any vehicle, motorized or non-motorized, on campus to read and understand these regulations. Ignorance of these regulations will not be accepted as grounds for dismissal of enforcement actions. University of Kentucky Parking Regulations are applicable to any and all vehicles, which, if parked in violation are subject to a citation and/or impoundment at the owner's expense. Inability to find a proper parking space is not an excuse to violate these regulations.


A. Permit Eligibility and Application Requirements

1. Full-time Faculty and Staff

Full-time employees are eligible for an Employee (E) permit and/or a Motorcycle/Moped M permit. The annual parking permit period for faculty and staff is from July 1 each year to June 30 of the following year.

2. Part-time Faculty and Staff

Part-time employees, who are not UK students, are eligible for Employee (E) permits and/or a Motorcycle/Moped M permit; however, these employees must pay in advance; part-time faculty and staff are eligible to purchase monthly permits. Temporary or part-time employees are not eligible for payroll deduction.

3. Full-time/Part-time Students

The parking permit period for students is established as the beginning of the fall semester of each school year through the end of the spring semester. All parking permits will be issued in accordance with availability and eligibility requirements established by Transportation Services. Students wishing to apply for a Commuter C permit must have a minimum of sixty credit hours (junior standing) at the University of Kentucky. There is no minimum number of credit hours required for Bluegrass Community and Technical College students applying for C10 permits. Commuter students are also required to live outside a one-mile radius of campus. Students applying for Residential R permits must live in University housing. Students must be registered for classes. Transportation Services may lower the requirements as determined by the availability of parking.

Full-time and part-time students may purchase Motorcycle/Moped M permits.

Freshman and sophomore commuters are eligible for Periphery (K) parking only. Due to limited availability of parking spaces, juniors, seniors, graduate, and professional students will be given first priority for available commuter (C) spaces. Other students with special needs will be considered as space is available.

4. Student Employees

Students employed by the University on other than a full-time basis shall be considered students for permit classification purposes.

5. Graduate Students

Graduate students who are employed by the University of Kentucky in the position of a Graduate, Research, or Teaching Assistant or who have received a Fellowship grant, or have obtained third-year graduate or professional student status or higher are eligible for an Employee E permit and/or a Motorcycle/Moped M permit. Employment status must be verified through employee records before a permit can be issued. Graduate students living in University Housing are only authorized purchase Residential (R) parking and/or a Motorcycle/Moped (M) permit only.

All other graduate students will be classified as full-time/part-time students (as listed above) for permit eligibility.

6. Car Pool Participants

Employees and students of the University of Kentucky are eligible to participate in a carpool arrangement for parking on campus under the following conditions:

  • A carpool must consist of at least three members.
  • Participants must live outside a one-mile radius of central campus or have approval from the Transportation Services.
  • Participants must share a ride on a regular basis (at least three days a week).
  • Participants must qualify for one of the following two categories:
    1. Regular full or part-time UK or VA employees, who are eligible for an E parking permit, and whose jobs necessitate parking on University property requiring such a permit.
    2. UK and BCTC Students

7. Donovan Scholars

Donovan Scholars who are registered for academic classes may apply for the Donovan Scholar (E) permit. Permits will be issued at the beginning of the school year. The parking permit period for Donovan Scholar students is established as the beginning of the fall semester of each school year through the end of the spring semester.

8. Drivers with Disabilities

It is the desire of the University to accommodate all employees and students who have a genuine need for ADA accessible parking. If ADA accessible parking arrangements are necessary, employees and students must obtain application forms from Transportation Services. These forms must be completed and returned to Transportation Services. A statement from the applicant's physician or medical provider regarding the applicant's condition is required. Before an accessible parking permit can be issued, approval from the Accessible Parking Application Review Committee for is necessary. In addition to reviewing the application and physician's statement, the Committee reserves the right to review medical records and/or require examination by a physician.

9. Service Vehicles

Vehicles displaying a Service (S) permit or vehicles on official business bearing United States Government or Kentucky Official license plates are permitted in service areas for a maximum of two hours. The driver of a vehicle displaying a service permit must be engaged in delivering, installing, or servicing equipment on campus. Any request for an extension of the time limit must be made through Transportation Services.

Applications from on-campus units or individuals for a service permit must be recommended by the employee's Dean, Administrative Division Head, or Department Chair, and approved by the Director of Transportation Services.

Service areas are designated by signs and/or yellow and white striped lines on the curb. Service areas are controlled for permits between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, unless otherwise signed.

10. Retired UK Employees

Applicants who retired before July 1, 1995 are eligible for employee parking permits at NO FEE. Applicants who retire on or after July 1, 1995 will be required to pay a discounted fee. UK retirees are eligible to receive a "retiree E" permit.

11. University Associates

Any person employed by the state government, the federal government, or a private company whose office or primary workstation is on the University of Kentucky campus, is eligible for the same parking privileges as a University employee. These individuals will be issued a parking permit in accordance with the same criteria used for University personnel, except for Bluegrass Community and Technical College and Veterans Administration Hospital who have separate parking restrictions.

12. Volunteers

Individuals who provide services to the University on a voluntary basis without remuneration may apply to Transportation Services for a parking permit. Permits will be issued to volunteers in accordance with the same criteria used for University employees and students.

B. Permit Fee Payments

1. Faculty and Staff

Full-time employees may pay permit fees in full at the time of application, or fees may be payroll deducted (except for motorcycle/moped (M) permits). A pro-rated amount will be deducted from each paycheck. Only regular full-time and half-time employees are eligible for the payroll deduction method. Temporary employees are required to pay in advance. Any employee eligible for an M permit is required to pay permit fees in full when their application is submitted to Transportation Services.

2. Students

Students are required to pay permit fees in full when their application is submitted to Transportation Services. Students graduating in December have the option of purchasing their permits for the fall semester only. Note: There is no guarantee that a permit, purchased for the fall semester only, will be available for renewal should a student decide to return to school for subsequent semesters.

C. Permit Fee Refunds

Permit holders wishing to cancel their parking privileges may do so by returning their permit to Transportation Services. Remnants of adhesive stickers must also be returned before a refund can be issued. Refunds will be issued on a pro-rated basis for individuals who have paid permit fees in full. Individuals being payroll deducted for permits will have the deduction canceled when the permit is returned. Failure to surrender a permit to Transportation Services upon withdrawal from the University or termination of employment will subject any vehicle displaying that permit to immediate impoundment if parked on the University campus.

D. Permit Holders' Rights and Responsibilities

Parking permits are registered to the permit holder and not to the vehicle (except for bicycles). Permits may not be sold or reissued to another individual. Ownership of the parking permit remains with the University. Individuals are not allowed to transfer ownership. The permit holder shall have the authority to transfer the hang tag to any vehicle they may be using on campus. The permit holder shall also be responsible for all parking violations issued to vehicles displaying their permit.

A permit holder is responsible for the immediate return of any permit and/or permit sleeve in their possession to Transportation Services upon termination of employment, withdrawal from school, or when otherwise found to be ineligible for a permit. Vehicles found using these permits on campus will be subject to impoundment.

It is the responsibility of the permit holder to ensure that a permit is properly displayed. Vehicles with parking permits that are not displayed in accordance with these regulations are subject to a citation and/or impoundment.

Permit holders who forget their hang tags must come to Transportation Services to obtain a temporary permit.

E. Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Permits

Transportation Services must be notified immediately when a permit has been lost, stolen, or damaged. The permit holder shall be responsible for all parking citations issued prior to Transportation Services being notified of a lost or stolen permit. Remnants of damaged permits must be returned to Transportation Services prior to issuance of a replacement. A permit is replaced for a fee of $15. Transportation Services is to be contacted immediately when a permit that was reported lost or stolen is found. If found the lost or stolen permit is not to be displayed in any vehicle. Any vehicle displaying a reported lost or stolen permit shall result in impoundment.


A. Restricted Parking Areas

1. ADA accessible parking

Parking spaces and zones designated as parking areas for individuals with disabilities are controlled 24 hours a day, year round. A University of Kentucky ADA accessible parking permit, obtained through Transportation Services, is required for all accessible parking spaces in permit controlled areas. Visitors displaying license plates or placards for individuals with disabilities are not required to obtain a University of Kentucky ADA accessible parking permit when parking in an ADA accessible parking space in pay lots or at parking meters reserved for individuals with disabilities.

2. Resident Director parking

Spaces or zones reserved for Resident Directors are controlled 24 hours a day during the academic year, unless otherwise signed.

3. Fire lanes and yellow lines

Parking is prohibited at fire lanes (red lines and/or signage) and yellow lines 24 hours a day, year round.

4. Service areas

Service areas are designated by yellow and white stripes and/or signs. These areas are restricted for holders of Service (S) permits or vehicles bearing United States Government or Kentucky Official license plates. Parking in a service area is restricted to two hours. All requests for an extension of the two-hour time limit must be made through Transportation Services. Service areas are controlled for permits from 5:00 a.m. through 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, unless otherwise signed.

5. Loading zones

These areas are designated by black and yellow stripes and/or signs. Vehicles displaying University of Kentucky E, ADA accessible, or S permits may park in these areas for a maximum of 15 minutes for the purpose of loading or unloading items. Vehicles bearing United States Government or Kentucky Official license plates and marked delivery vehicles may also stop in these areas for loading or unloading purposes. Loading zones are controlled 24 hours a day year round.

6. Parking meters

Parking meters are located in many campus on-street and off-street parking areas. The maximum time limit indicated on the meter and/or the support post of 45 minutes or 3 hours is designed to promote parking turnover (short-term parking). Continuously feeding, or putting another coin in the meter, to park beyond its original maximum time limit is prohibited.

Parking on a defective meter is prohibited and the vehicle is subject to a citation and/or impoundment. Immediately report a defective meter, its location and meter number to Transportation Services at 859-257-5757.

7. Blue line areas

These areas are designated by blue lines and parking signs. Special permits are required to park on a blue line.

8. Motorcycle and moped zones

Motorcycles and mopeds may park in Motorcycle/Moped (M) permit parking areas. These areas are designated by signs and/or green lines. An M permit or E, C, K, or Off-Peak permit is required for a motorcycle or moped to park in a motorcycle zone during restricted hours.

9. UK HealthCare Patient and Visitor Parking

Designated UK HealthCare patient and visitor parking is generally restricted for exclusive use by qualified patients and qualified visitors. Parking in any patient and visitor parking area while attending class or working in an official capacity is strictly prohibited unless otherwise authorized by Parking and Transportation Services and displaying the appropriate parking credentials.

B. Parking Violations

1. Parking without a permit

During restricted hours, vehicles must properly display a valid University of Kentucky parking permit when parking on campus.

If you park your vehicle in an area where you are entitled to a permit but failed to purchase the proper permit, you will be responsible for all citations and/or towing charges. If you purchase and properly display your permit within ten working days from the date the first citation was issued, that citation will be voided. Only the first citation will be voided.

2. Improper display of a UK parking permit; All or part of the information on the permit is unreadable

Parking permits must be fully visible from the exterior of the vehicle and may be displayed in the following approved locations:

  • Hang tags shall be suspended from the rear-view mirror with the front toward the front windshield or alternately displayed in the lower left (driver-side) corner of the front windshield.
  • Temporary passes are properly displayed by attaching the permit to the lower left (driver-side) corner of the front windshield.

3. Parking on a yellow line or in a fire lane

  • Fire lanes and yellow lines are controlled 24 hours a day, year round.
  • Motor vehicles cannot be parked alongside of, on top of, or perpendicular to any red line or yellow line.

4. Parking in wrong area designation

  • Parking in a permit-controlled area, not designated for your permit, during restricted hours.
  • Parking a motorcycle or moped in a regularly designated automobile parking space, except parking meters.
  • Parking an automobile in a regularly designated motorcycle/moped parking space (marked by green lines and/or signs).

5. Unauthorized parking in UK HealthCare Patient and Visitor Parking

  • Parking in a designated UK HealthCare patient and visitor parking area while attending class or while in an official work capacity.
  • Receipt of validated parking charges while attending class or in an official work capacity.

6. Parking in No Parking areas

  • Parking on unpaved surfaces.
  • Parking on a sidewalk.
  • Parking on a crosswalk.
  • Parking in a roadway; includes streets, alleys, driveways, and the traveled portion of a parking lot.
  • Parking along the shoulder of a roadway, unless designated for parking.
  • Blocking a dumpster.

7. Improper parking

  • Parking against the flow of traffic on streets or in parking lots (backing into diagonal parking areas).
  • In diagonal or perpendicular, or parallel parking, failure to park between two white lines or parking more than one foot from the curb or wheel stop.
  • Double parking by occupying more than one parking space, regardless of how other vehicles are parked in that area.
  • Parking a vehicle that is not centered on a provided wheel stop.
  • Parking in other than a marked parking space.

8. Parking in a space or zone reserved for individuals with disabilities

Any vehicle, including official vehicles, parked on campus in a space or zone reserved for a person with a disability is required to have an ADA accessible permit issued by Transportation Services. Vehicles displaying license plates or a permit for an individual with a disability issued by city or state governments will not be impounded for the first violation, but will receive a warning citation. The first, and only the first, citation will be used as a warning to persuade the individual to contact Transportation Services. They will be given the information on how to obtain the proper permit through the University (only pertains to those with another form of individuals with disabilities permit which was displayed at time of violation).

9. Parking in a service area (yellow and white striped lines)

Vehicles with Service (S) parking permits or vehicles on official business bearing United States Government or Kentucky Official license plates are permitted in these areas for a maximum of two hours. Any request for an extension of the time limit must be made through Transportation Services.

10. Loading zones (black and yellow striped lines or loading zone signs)

Vehicles displaying University of Kentucky E, ADA accessible, or S permits, or vehicles on official business bearing United States Government or Kentucky Official license plates, or marked commercial or food delivery vehicles, may park in these zones for a maximum of 15 minutes for the purpose of loading and/or unloading items. Any request for an extension of the limit must be made through Transportation Services.

11. Parking in a space or zone reserved for carpool participants

Any vehicle, including official vehicles, parked on campus in a space or zone reserved for carpool participants is required to have a carpool permit issued by Transportation Services.

12. Improper application or use of parking permits

  • Displaying or making use of an altered, lost, stolen, counterfeit, or improperly transferred permit.
  • Displaying or making use of a permit to which the user is not entitled, or using a permit not issued to the user, or the permit owner was not in the vehicle at the time the vehicle was parked, or the permit was wrongfully obtained by falsifying information, and/or eligibility for use has expired.
  • Falsifying a report regarding a lost or stolen permit.
  • Intentionally falsifying a permit application.
  • Duplicating, transferring, or allowing another person to use your permit.

Violation of this regulation will be cause for revocation of parking privileges for any employee, student, or other parking customer. The Director of Parking and Transportation Services or designee may reinstate or revoke parking privileges at their discretion.

13. Disregarding a parking control sign or parking meter

  • Parking in a space or zone longer than the time limit indicated on the sign during controlled hours. This includes spaces or zones which are reserved for visitors of certain facilities during the controlled times (indicated on the sign).
  • Continuously feeding a parking meter or putting in another coin to park beyond its original maximum time limit is prohibited and is a violation.

14. Disregarding a parking control device

This violation includes:

  • Parking a vehicle in a restricted area where cones, stanchions, rope or other barriers have been placed to restrict traffic flow or to purposely inhibit parking in those areas.
  • The unauthorized movement of such devices for any reason.
  • Tailgating behind other vehicles through gate arms at an access-controlled parking lot or structure.
  • Knowingly letting another vehicle tailgate behind your vehicle through gate arms at an access-controlled parking lot or structure.

15. Installing or placing a parking control device in Transportation Services parking areas

Only Transportation Services can approve the restricting of traffic flow and/or parking in parking areas unless during an emergency situation. Installing or placing any device restricting traffic and/or parking without approval of the Director, Transportation Services, or a designee, shall be a violation and the device will be confiscated.

16. Restricted parking on days of home football games

All unauthorized vehicles must be removed from designated football restricted parking areas, including but not limited to the Kroger Field area parking lots, Sports Center Drive Lots and University Drive parking spaces by 7:00 a.m. on days of home football games, unless otherwise designated and communicated, or will be subject to a citation and/or impoundment at the owner's expense. Only those vehicles with UK Athletics issued parking passes are authorized to park in designated football restricted areas prior to the conclusion of the football game.

17. Disregarding directions

Any operator of a vehicle who received visual or audible signals from a parking attendant or police officer, who disregards any directions, shall be in violation.

18. Failure to stop vehicles at parking attendant booth

Upon entering any University street or lot which has an attendant booth occupied, it is required to bring the vehicle to a complete stop until given a signal to proceed.

19. Inoperative vehicles

Should a vehicle become inoperative in a lot or structure where the vehicle is allowed to park, the operator should notify Transportation Services immediately. If the vehicle is not parked in a lot or structure where it is allowed to park during controlled hours, it is the operator's responsibility to immediately obtain the proper permit for that area until the car may be moved.

20. Abandoned vehicles

Any vehicle which is reported to be abandoned (left on University property for five days) will be subject to impoundment at the owner's expense.

21. Improper transaction

Entering a pay parking area as an hourly parker (by accepting a machine or hand issued ticket) and exiting the area by means of a parking permit.

C. Parking in Violation

When any vehicle is determined to be in violation of University Parking Regulations, it is subject to citation, immobilization and impoundment at the owner's expense. Vehicles may be immobilized or impounded exclusively on the basis of existing violations on the vehicle license plate.

D. Penalties for Parking Violations

Parking Violation Fines

  • General parking violation  |  $30
  • Overtime meter violation  |  $30
  • Unauthorized parking in UK HealthCare Patient and Visitor Parking  |  $100
  • Violation in Fire Lane  |  $100
  • Improper use of a daily permit  |  $100
  • Improper use of a remote, periphery, intermediate off-peak, or short-term permit  |  $150
  • Improper use of a core, reserved, or ADA accessible permit  |  $200
  • Violation of ADA accessible Parking  |  $200

2. Citations may be paid at the main Transportation Services office located at the Press Avenue Garage-PS #6, at either Transportation Services satellite office (Cornerstone Garage-PS #5 or the UK Healthcare Parking Garage-PS #8), via U.S. Mail or online at .

3.  Transportation Services reserves the right to accept only cash payment for certain amounts or types of fines, and to refuse payment in coins. Transportation Services also reserves the right to restrict payment from relatives or friends for services rendered.

4. Faculty, staff, students, and visitors shall be responsible for all parking violations involving vehicles owned or operated by them or in their custody, and operated by anyone having express or implied permission to operate.

5. Each violation of the UK Vehicle Parking & Permit Regulations will be considered a separate offense.

6. Any vehicle parked in violation will be subject to an immediate citation and an additional citation every 24 hours. Vehicles are subject to towing or immobilization upon issuance of the first citation or any time thereafter until the vehicle is removed.

E. Vehicle Immobilization and Impoundment

1. Parking Immobilization and Impoundment Fees

  • Vehicle immobilization (boot)  |  $60
  • Vehicle impoundment (tow)  |  $119
  • Daily impoundment storage fee  |  $25
    note: Storage fees will be assessed in addition to all other fines and fees, effective 24 hours after initial impoundment.

2. The University may, at the expense of the owner/operator, immobilize or impound any vehicle under the following circumstances:

  • Safety (e.g., Hazardous parking, leaking fluids, blocking pedestrian access, etc.)
  • Parking in restricted areas (e.g., unauthorized paring in ADA accessible, reserved or core parking, etc.)
  • Vehicles displaying altered, lost, stolen, or terminated permits
  • Vehicles parking on an unpaid meter longer than 24 hours
  • Abandoned or inoperative vehicles
  • Special events (e.g., Football game day, campus move-in, etc.)
  • Escalation of previous parking enforcement (e.g., unpaid fines, etc.)
  • Vehicles reported as lost or stolen

F. Release Procedures for Impounded Vehicles

  1. Prior to the owner/operator attaining the release of a towed or immobilized vehicle, the following is required:
    • Prepayment of all outstanding citation fines and impoundment fees
    • Proof of ownership when deemed necessary
  2. After fifteen (15) days of impoundment, the vehicle is transferred to the towing contractor. Prior to obtaining the vehicle’s release, all outstanding citation, storage and impoundment fines and fees must be paid in full.
  3. Vehicles unclaimed after 45 days will be disposed of according to KRS 376.275

Appeal Procedure

A. An Individual's Right to Appeal

1. If an individual feels (s)he has been unfairly cited or impounded for violating these regulations, (s)he may appeal to a committee made up of faculty, staff, and students.

2. An individual receiving a citation has the right to appeal within 10 days from the date of the citation.

B. The Appeals Process

The following is a summary of those parts which are basic to the adjudication process for resolving appeals of citations and impoundments. The responsibility for adjudicating rests with Transportation Services and the Parking Appeals Committee (Committee). The Committee and its Chairperson are appointed by the University President. From the members of the Committee, the Chairperson selects a minimum of three (3) individuals who serve as Adjudication Officers.

1. Filing an appeal

An appeals form and the procedures for filing an appeal may be obtained from Transportation Services. Before the customer may enter the appeals procedure, Transportation Services requires that all outstanding and/or delinquent citation and impoundment fees be prepaid.

The completed appeals form must be returned to Transportation Services within ten days of the date the vehicle was cited and/or impounded.

2. Administrative Evaluation

Transportation Services will perform an administrative evaluation of all appeals. Should it be determined that a citation and/or impoundment was done in error, Transportation Services will resolve the appeal by refunding all related fees. Otherwise, the appeal will be sent for evaluation to the Adjudication Officer.

3. The Adjudication Officer's Evaluation

The Adjudication Officer evaluates the written appeal and renders a decision in accordance with the Motor Vehicle Parking and Traffic Regulations. A copy of the citation, the Respondent's parking history file, and the written appeal will be evaluated. Within thirty (30) days of filing the appeal, the Adjudication Officer will make the decision to sustain or deny the appeal. Transportation Services will notify the Respondent of the Adjudication Officer's decision.

The term Respondent refers to the person filing the appeal.

4. The Respondent's Right to Appeal the Adjudication Officer's Decision

The Respondent will be advised of the right to have the Adjudication Officer's decision reviewed by the Committee. The appeal must be filed within fourteen (14) days of the mailing of the decision. If the appeal is sent to the Committee, the Respondent has the option to appear in person before the Committee and/or submit the appeal in writing. The Respondent may appear before the Committee by making an appointment through Transportation Services. Failure to attend a scheduled hearing will forfeit any further opportunity to appear and the Committee will act on the appeal in the individual's absence.

5. The General Approach to Parking Appeals Committee Hearings

The Committee may, by a majority vote to deny the appeal, overrule the decision made by the Adjudication Officer, or reduce the monetary penalty. Should the Committee overrule the Adjudication Officer, Transportation Services must refund any part of the penalty that the Committee may order. The decision of the Committee is final.

6. Scheduled Hearings

The Committee will conduct at least one (1) scheduled hearing during each quarter of the fiscal year. Hearing dates for the fiscal year will be scheduled and announced by no later than June 30.

Alternative Transportation

As the campus and its activities change and grow, the University of Kentucky desires to enhance the use of bicycles, mopeds, and motorcycles on campus as a means of alternative transportation in a way that promotes safety, convenient access, and aesthetics.

A. Bicycles

1. Bicycle Operation

As with vehicles, bicycles on campus must obey the rules of the road. At all times and at any location on campus, pedestrians have the right-of-way. Careless or reckless operation of any bicycle on University property is prohibited.

2. Bicycle Registration

All full-time, part-time or temporary employees and full-time or part-time students who park a bicycle on campus are highly encouraged to register their bicycle with Transportation Services.

UK students or UK employees who live on campus and have a child(ren) who park a child’s bicycle on campus are highly encouraged to register their child(ren)’s bicycle with Transportation Services.

  • Registered children’s bicycles not ridden outside the confines of the child’s housing complex will receive a special Bicycle Neighborhood B permit to be adhered to the seat tube
  • Bicycle Neighborhood B permits are free of charge

Bicycles can be registered online, at the main parking office (Parking Structure #6) or at two satellite offices (Parking Structure #5 or the UK Healthcare Parking Garage)

Bicycle owners must have the following bicycle information:

  • Serial Number
  • First color and secondary color (if applicable)
  • Name Brand/Manufacturer

Registered bicycle owners will receive a B permit to be adhered to the seat tube, approximately 8 inches from the bottom, facing the front of the bicycle.

3. Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Permits

Transportation Services must be notified immediately when a permit has been lost, stolen, or damaged. The permit holder shall be responsible for all parking citations issued prior to Transportation Services being notified of a lost or stolen permit. Remnants of damaged permit must be returned to Transportation Services prior to issuance of a replacement. A Bicycle B permit is replaced free of charge. Transportation Services is to be contacted immediately when a permit that was reported lost or stolen is found. If found, the lost or stolen permit is not to be displayed on any bicycle. Any bicycle displaying a reported lost or stolen permit shall result in impoundment and shall not be released until all citation, impoundment and storage fees are paid.

4. Bicycle Registration Violation

5. Permit Holders' Rights and Responsibilities

B permits are registered to the bicycle. Permits may not be sold or reissued to another individual. Ownership of the parking permit remains with the University. B permits, or their remains, must be returned to Transportation Services when the bicycle is sold or no longer in use. If individuals transfer ownership of their bicycle to another individual, the B permit must be removed. It is the responsibility of the registrant to notify Transportation Services of the sale of a bicycle with a B permit. B permit holders shall not transfer the permit to any other bicycle. The permit holder shall also be responsible for all parking violations issued to vehicles displaying his/her permit.

It is the responsibility of the permit holder to ensure that a permit is properly displayed. Bicycles with B permits that are not displayed in accordance with these regulations are subject to a citation and/or impoundment.

6. Parking Regulations for Bicycles

Bicycle Parking Locations:  Bike racks

  • A bicycle must be properly parked within a single space on the rack. It is recommended that the bicycle be secured to the rack with a locking device.
  • A bicycle must not be parked at a location that blocks an entrance or inhibits pedestrian flow.
  • Any other area approved by Transportation Services

7. Parking Violations

Any bicycle parked in any location other than the specific bicycle parking locations listed in these regulations shall be in violation. When any bicycle is determined to be in violation of University Parking Regulations, it is subject to a citation and/or towing/immobilization at the owner's expense. Bicycles may be towed or immobilized exclusively on the basis of delinquent or unpaid citations.

8. Traffic Regulations for Bicycles

Riding Areas:
Bicyclists are to operate only on university and city roads, in designated bike lanes, bike paths or shared multi-use paths.

Restricted Riding Areas:
Bicycles and other non-motorized forms of wheeled transportation shall not be operated on pedestrian walkways or sidewalks, within University buildings or other areas where prohibited by regulations or signs. Bicycles shall not enter parking structures unless a bicycle rack or bicycle locker is located within the parking structure.

9. Traffic Violations

Any bicycle committing any of the following violations is subject to citation and/or impoundment at the owner’s expense:

  • Disregarding parking and traffic control devices, signs, or equipment.
  • Disregarding directions, including visual or audible signals from a parking control officer or police officer.
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian.
  • Operating a bicycle in a careless manner without due regard for the safety of persons and protection of property.
  • Operating a bicycle on University property posted for no bicycles.
  • Operating a bicycle on a pedestrian-only walkway.
  • Operating a bicycle on unpaved surfaces.
  • Operating a bicycle in a building, elevated pedestrian walkway (pedway), or stairway.
  • Operating a bicycle at unsafe speeds.
  • Operating a bicycle in the opposite direction of traffic flow.

10. Penalties for Bicycle Parking Regulations Violation

Parking Violation:  General parking violation: $15


  • The charge for towing or immobilization a bicycle is $30.
  • The University may remove locks or security devices and impound at the expense of the owner/operator, any bicycle that is:  Abandoned or inoperative for a minimum of five days; Reported as lost or stolen; Parked, stored, or operated in violation of these regulations
  • The University of Kentucky and Transportation Services is not responsible for loss or damage of locks or security devices removed for bicycle impoundment.

11. Release Procedures for Impounded Bicycles

  • Required prior to the owner/operator attaining the release of an impounded bicycle:
  • Prepayment of all outstanding bicycle citations and impoundment fees
  • Proof of ownership when deemed necessary
  • Bicycles unclaimed after 90 days will be disposed of according to University Regulations. Even though a bicycle owner may choose not to claim an impounded bicycle, all citation, storage and impoundment fees owed the University must be paid in full or the owner risks a hold to be placed on his/her records and account(s).

B. Mopeds

1. Moped Operation

As with all motorized vehicles, mopeds on campus must obey the rules of the road. At all times and at any location on campus, pedestrians have the right-of-way. Careless or reckless operation of any moped on University property is prohibited. Anyone operating a moped must have a driver’s license, moped license or learner’s permit. All mopeds must have at least one but not more than two head lights, taillights or red reflectors visible to 500 feet and a horn or a bell.

The University of Kentucky strongly advises all moped owners to use proper safety gear, such as helmets, eye protection and hand protection.

2. M Permit for Mopeds

Moped owners must purchase an M permit or have a valid E, C, K, or Off-Peak permit to be able to park on campus in designated motorcycle/moped parking spaces or motorcycle/moped areas. In order to purchase an M permit or be able to use a valid E, C, K, or Off Peak permit, a moped owner may be asked to provide the following:

  • A current driver’s license, moped license or motorcycle license.
  • The serial number associated with the moped.
  • The cylinder capacity (cc) of the moped.
  • Any employee or student who has been issued a regular vehicle parking permit (E, C, R, K or Off Peak) from Transportation Services must use the permit for moped parking. An employee or student who displays a regular E, C, R, K or Off Peak permit by using a permit sleeve device that locks to the handlebars will be allowed to park in a motorcycle/moped space or area at no additional cost.
  • In order to receive a Transportation Services permit sleeve for use on a moped, a moped owner may be asked provide the following:  A current driver’s license with an M endorsement, a motorcycle learner’s permit, a Bill of Sale or proof of ownership for a moped.

Mopeds must adhere their M permit on the rear fender or in a visible location near the rear of the vehicle or suspend their M, E, C, R, K or Off Peak permit from the handlebars or frame in a Transportation Services issued permit sleeve. It is acceptable to display permits by using a device that attaches to the rear of the moped below the seat.

3. Parking Regulations for Mopeds

Motorcycle Parking Locations:

  • Motorcycle/moped parking space
  • Motorcycle/moped parking area
  • Metered parking
  • Any other area approved by Transportation Services

4. Parking Violations

Any moped parked in any location other than the specific moped parking locations listed in these regulations shall be in violation. When any moped is determined to be in violation of University Parking Regulations, it is subject to a citation and/or towing or immobilization at the owner's expense. Mopeds may be impounded exclusively on the basis of existing violations.

5. Penalties for Moped Parking Regulations Violations

Parking Violation:

  • General parking violation: $30
  • Overtime meter violation: $30
  • Unauthorized parking in UK HealthCare patient and visitor parking | $100
  • Violation in fire lane | $100
  • Improper use of daily permit | $100
  • Improper use of a remote, periphery, intermediate off-peak, or short-term permit | $150
  • Improper use of a core, reserved, or ADA-accessible permit | $200

6. Traffic Regulations for Mopeds

Riding Areas:
Moped owners are to operate only on university and city roads.

Restricted Riding Areas:
Mopeds shall not be operated on pedestrian walkways or sidewalks, within University buildings or other areas where prohibited by regulations or signs. Mopeds shall not enter parking structures unless a motorcycle/moped space is located within the parking structure. An M permit is required for a moped to enter a parking structure with a motorcycle/moped space or area. A moped shall enter and exit a parking structure through a motorcycle/moped lane only.

7. Traffic Violations

Mopeds shall follow any and all university, local and state motor vehicle traffic regulations.

C. Motorcycles

1. Motorcycle Operation

As with all motorized vehicles, motorcycles on campus must obey the rules of the road. At all times and at any location on campus, pedestrians have the right-of-way. Careless or reckless operation of any motorcycle on University property is prohibited. The University of Kentucky strongly advises all motorcycle owners to use proper safety gear, such as helmets, eye protection and hand protection.

Motorcycle owners must purchase an M permit to be able to park on campus in designated motorcycle/moped parking spaces or motorcycle/moped areas.

Any employee or student who has been issued a regular vehicle parking permit (E, C, R, K or Off Peak) from Transportation Services must use the permit for motorcycle parking b. In order to receive a Transportation Services permit sleeve for use on a motorcycle, a motorcycle owner may be asked provide the following:

  • a current driver’s license with an M endorsement
  • a motorcycle learner’s permit or a Bill of Sale

Motorcycles must adhere their M permit on the rear fender or in a visible location near the rear of the vehicle or suspend their M, E, C, R, K or Off Peak permit from the handlebars or frame in a Transportation Services issued permit sleeve. It is acceptable to display M permits on a device that attaches to the rear of the motorcycle below the license plate.

2. Parking Regulations for Motorcycles

Motorcycle Parking Locations:

  • Motorcycle/moped parking space
  • Motorcycle/moped parking areas
  • Metered parking
  • Any other area approved by Transportation Services

3. Parking Violations

Any motorcycle parked in any location other than the specific motorcycle parking locations listed in these regulations shall be in violation. When any motorcycle is determined to be in violation of University Parking Regulations, it is subject to a citation and/or towing or immobilization at the owner's expense. Motorcycles may be towed or immobilized exclusively on the basis of existing violations.

4. Penalties for Motorcycle Parking Regulations Violations

Parking Violation:

  • General parking violation  |  $30
  • Overtime meter violation  |  $30
  • Unauthorized parking in UK HealthCare Patient and Visitor Parking  |  $100
  • Violation in Fire Lane  |  $100
  • Improper use of a daily permit  |  $100
  • Improper use of a remote, periphery, intermediate off-peak, or short-term permit  |  $150
  • Improper use of a core, reserved, or ADA accessible permit  |  $200
  • Violation of ADA accessible Parking  |  $200

5. Traffic Regulations for Motorcycles

Riding Areas:
Motorcycles are to operate only on university and city roads.

Restricted Riding Areas:
Motorcycles shall not be operated on pedestrian walkways or sidewalks, within University buildings or other areas where prohibited by regulations or signs. Motorcycles shall not enter parking structures unless a motorcycle space is located within the parking structure. An M permit is required for a motorcycle to enter a parking structure with a motorcycle space or area. A motorcycle shall enter and exit a parking structure through a motorcycle lane only.

6. Traffic Violations

Motorcycles shall follow any and all university, local and state motor vehicle traffic regulations