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It's our goal to assist UK employees in discovering all of their mobility options—from driving to biking and beyond—through a variety of transportation programs. For those who do choose to commute by vehicle and park on campus, Transportation Services has a variety of parking permit options, with a focus on choice and predictability.

Permits can generally be purchased online by logging into your customer account, on-site at our customer service center, or over the phone by calling 859-257-5757.

See below for a list of employee permit options, with links to more detailed information.

UK Full & Part-Time Permit Options


The University maintains a limited number of reserved parking areas on campus with the majority of spaces located on the UK HealthCare campus and a small number on main campus. Reserved permits are not available for purchase by the general campus community. Permit allocations are assigned to the various campus sectors with purchase authorization determined by the president, provost, appropriate executive vice president or designee.

Reserved permits provide the highest level of convenience and predictability at a higher price point than employee intermediate and employee core parking permits. Transportation Services manages the number of permits issued for designated reserved parking areas to ensure that reserved permit holders will be able to find parking within their assigned lot, garage or area. 


2024-2025 Monthly Price: $126

2024-2025 Annual Price: $1,512

Permits are valid July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Reserved parking is available on payroll deduction for most UK employees. Reserved permits are sold on a 12-month basis.

Parking Locations

UK HealthCare Reserved Parking Locations:

  • E3: Kentucky Clinic Garage (PS #3)
  • E4: Good Samaritan Garage, ED surface lot, MOB lot
  • E8: UK HealthCare Garage (PS #8)
  • E25: Veterans Drive Lot

UK Main Campus Reserved Parking Locations:

  • E20: Administration Drive
  • E21: College View Circle

Parking Privileges and Control Hours

Employee reserved permits are issued for a specific parking garage, lot, or area. Reserved permit holders may only park in their assigned reserved parking area and are not eligible to park in any other core or reserved parking area unless otherwise authorized. Reserved permits also authorize the permit holder to park in any employee intermediate or periphery parking area, in addition to their designated reserved area. However, signage at the entry to parking areas and any additional control signage, curb markings and other parking control devices within these areas take precedence over maps and general campus information.

In general, most employee reserved parking areas are enforced for permits under the following schedule:

  • UK HealthCare reserved permit control hours:  24 hours / seven days per week
  • UK main campus reserved permit control hours:  24 hours / seven days per week

Application Process and Calendar

UK HealthCare Reserved permit application can be found here.

Renewals & Permit Sales to Begin:  To be announced

Permit Effective Date:  July 1


Core permits provide a predictable parking option at a higher price point than a traditional employee intermediate parking permit. Transportation Services manages the number of permits issued for designated core parking areas to ensure that core permit holders will be able to find parking within their assigned lot, garage or area, in most instances. There may be rare occasions where construction, events or other unforeseen circumstances impact core parking availability. During these uncommon instances, Transportation Services will make every effort to notify impacted permit holders in advance and to communicate alternate parking options as appropriate.

Core parking may be an ideal option for employees who come and go from campus throughout the day as a result of professional or personal obligations, or who arrive to campus during mid-to-late morning when proximate parking options become more scarce. The predictable nature of core parking also provides the permit holder with confidence that parking will be available in their assigned area at their desired arrival time, preventing inefficient searching for parking in a variety of first-come, first-served parking areas.


Employee core permit eligibility is based upon employment classification. All regular full and part-time UK employees are generally eligible to apply for core permits. Additionally, most University contract employees are eligible to apply.

The University maintains a limited number of core parking areas on the UK HealthCare campus as well as a number on main campus. Core permits on the UK HealthCare campus are not available for purchase by the general campus community. UK HealthCare campus core permit purchase authorizations are determined by the appropriate UK HealthCare senior administrators or designee.

The following specific classifications of employees are not eligible to apply for core parking permits:

  • STEPS temporary employees
  • Graduate and professional students including graduate assistants, research assistants and teaching assistants


2024-2025 Monthly Price: $63
2024-2025 Annual Price: $756

Permits are valid July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Core parking is available on payroll deduction for most UK employees. Core permits are only sold on a 12-month basis.

Employees who no longer need or desire core parking during any portion of the year may choose to return their permit to Transportation Services and will be given a pro-rated refund of any unused portion. However, they will lose their priority allotment and will be placed at the end of the waitlist if they wish to purchase core parking at a later date. Exceptions for sabbatical, family medical leave, or approved extended leave will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Parking Locations

Core parking is available in the following locations:

  • E7: Sports Center Garage (PS7) / Complex Drive
  • E2: Hilltop Avenue Garage (PS2)
  • E27: Press Avenue North Lot
  • E28: Prall Street Lot
  • E28: Seminary Loop

Restricted to UK Athletics due to controlled location of parking:

  • E31: Football Training Center Lot

Restricted to UK HealthCare employees due to controlled location of parking:

  • E8U: Upper floor of the UK HealthCare Garage
  • E4U: Upper levels of the UK Good Samaritan Garage (F, G & H)
  • E26: Gazette Avenue Lot
  • E27:  Portion of Press Avenue North Lot allocated to UK HealthCare
  • E33:  Waller HealthCare Annex

Parking Privileges and Control Hours

Employee core permits are issued for a specific parking garage, lot or area. Core permit holders may only park in their assigned core parking area and are not eligible to park in any other core or reserved parking areas. However, employees with core permits may also park in any employee intermediate or periphery parking area, in addition to their designated core area.

In general, most employee core parking areas are enforced for permits under the following control schedule:

Employee core permit: Monday through Friday: 5 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Any valid permit:  Monday through Thursday: 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

No permit required:

  • Monday through Thursday, 7:30 p.m. to 5 a.m.
  • Friday: After 5 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday: All Day

Application Process

All employees with active core permit assignments are authorized to renew their existing permit without the need to join a waitlist. The renewal window begins in May. Please visit our employee waitlist page for more information.

Employees who wish to sign up for a core permit for core parking locations in E7, E2, E27, and E28 must join the employee core permit waitlists. The waitlists can be accessed through the Customer Account Manager.  Core permit winners will be contacted by email and have two calendar weeks to visit our Press Avenue office to purchase their permit. Failure to purchase a permit during this window will be considered a declination of this allotted permit and the permit will be offered to the next individual on the waitlist. Individuals on the waitlist have the ability to view their waitlist priority number by logging into their customer account.

Employees may sign up for more than one core permit area and may be on more than one waitlist at a time.

Employees who wish to request an E8U, E4U, E26, E27, E33 or an E35 permit allocated by UK HealthCare must complete a UK HealthCare Reserved and Core permit application. (The E27 parking permits are allocated between the main campus and UK HealthCare.)

Employees interested in parking in E31 must contact UK Athletics.

Once a core permit has been issued, the employee will generally have the ability to renew the permit from year to year, so long as they remain eligible for it and renew it during the designated permit renewal window. Individuals who decide to return their permit prior to the end of the permit year, decline to renew their permit for the following permit year, or who retire or otherwise separate from the University will no longer have access to core parking privileges. Individuals wishing to re-apply for a core parking permit after having returned or declined to renew their permit will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist.

2023-2024 Core Parking Calendar:

UK HealthCare Core permit application can be found here.

Renewals & Permit Sales to Begin:  To be announced

Permit effective date: July 1


Intermediate permits represent the traditional first-come, first-served employee parking option with access to a variety of designated parking garages, lots and areas. This choice provides a flexible parking option at the University’s standard price point, but does not guarantee availability in any specific area.

Employee intermediate parking may be an ideal option for employees who arrive to campus early or who rarely are required to leave and return to campus during a typical work day, but still desire a parking option within walking distance or an easy access bus route of their destination. Additionally, employees who are flexible with regard to their parking location or arrival time may find that this parking option works for their lifestyle.


Employee permit eligibility is based upon employment classification. All regular full and part-time UK employees are generally eligible to apply for intermediate permits, as are STEPS temporary employees, contract employees, Shriners Hospital employees, and pre-approved VA Hospital employees.


2024-2025 Monthly Price: $42
2024-2025 Annual Price: $504

Permits are valid July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Intermediate parking is available on payroll deduction for most UK employees and permits are generally sold on a 12-month basis. Employees who no longer need or desire intermediate parking during any portion of the year may choose to return their permit to Transportation Services and will be given a pro-rated refund of any unused portion.

Parking Locations

Intermediate employee parking is available in a variety of parking garages, lots and areas throughout campus. These areas are designated by traditional E parking control signs without a specific parking lot assignment (e.g. E2) and includes, but is not limited to, the following major areas:

  • University Drive Garage (PS #1)
  • Cornerstone Garage (PS #5)
  • Press Avenue Garage (PS #6)
  • Scott Street area lots
  • Memorial Coliseum area lots
  • Sports Center Drive area surface lots
  • Columbia Avenue Lots
  • Kroger Field periphery lots

See our employee parking map for more detailed information.

Parking Privileges and Control Hours

Employee intermediate permits holders are eligible to park in any designated intermediate employee parking garage, lot or area. Additionally, intermediate permits authorize the permit holder to park in any periphery parking area, including the Kroger Field periphery parking lots (Blue, Red, and Orange). However, signage at the entry to parking areas and any additional control signage, curb markings and other parking control devices within these areas take precedence over maps and general campus information.

In general, most employee intermediate parking areas are enforced for permits under the following schedule:

  • Employee intermediate: Monday through Friday: 5 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  • Any valid permit: Monday through Thursday: 3:30 p.m.  to 7:30 p.m.
  • No permit required: Monday through Thursday: 7:30 p.m. to 5 a.m.; Friday: after 3:30 p.m. & all day Saturday and Sunday

Purchase Process and Calendar

Permit Sales Begin: Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Permit effective date:  July 1

Employee Periphery

Employee Periphery permits represent a discounted parking option for employees who choose to park on the campus periphery. Employee periphery parking may be an ideal option for employees who work on the UK HealthCare campus, as Transportation Services provides direct shuttle service between the Kroger Field Orange Lot and the HealthCare campus, or for employees who work in the south campus area.

An increasing number of campus employees are also choosing to park in the campus periphery areas and walking to work as part of their personal health and wellness exercise goals, so a periphery permit may be a good choice if this fits your lifestyle.

In addition to good pedestrian connections, employees who choose to park in the Kroger Field Red or Blue Lot have convenient access to the entire Lexington campus via the Blue and White campus shuttles.


Employee permit eligibility is based upon employment classification. All regular full and part-time employees are generally eligible to apply for periphery permits, as are STEPS temporary employees, contract employees, and VA and Shriners hospital employees.


2024-2025 Monthly Price: $34

2024-2025 Annual Price: $408

Permits are valid July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Periphery parking is available on payroll deduction for most UK employees. They are generally sold on a 12-month basis.

Employees who no longer need or desire periphery parking during any portion of the year, may choose to return their permit to Transportation Services and get a prorated refund of any unused portion.

Parking Locations

Employee periphery parking is available in the Kroger Field Orange Lot and the Large Gluck Lot. Additionally, employee periphery parking permits also grant access to the Kroger Field Red and Blue Lots as well as the College Way East and West and Commonwealth Drive lots.

Parking Privileges and Control Hours

In addition to authorizing parking in all designated periphery parking areas (EK and K), the periphery permit also authorizes the permit holder to park in most employee intermediate parking areas after 3:30 p.m. and in most employee core areas after 5 p.m. However, signage at the entry to parking areas and any additional control signage, curb markings and other parking control devices within these areas take precedence over maps and general campus information. 

Employee periphery parking areas are enforced for permits under the following schedule:

  • Employee periphery permits: Monday through Friday: 5 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  • Any valid permit:  Monday through Thursday: 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • No permit required:  Monday through Thursday: 7:30 p.m. - 5 a.m.; Friday after 3:30 p.m. & all day Saturday and Sunday

Purchase Process and Calendar

Permit Sales Begin: Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Permit effective date:  July 1

Off-Peak (Regular)

Transportation Services offers an off-peak parking permit for students and employees who only require access to campus after 3:30 p.m. Off-peak permits provide the permit holder with convenient access to campus during periods of low parking demand at a steeply discounted rate. Off-peak parking is ideal for those who live along a Lextran bus route or within walking or biking distance from campus but prefer to drive to campus in the evening, or for students who are enrolled exclusively in late afternoon or evening classes.


All full and part-time UK employees, UK students and BCTC students are eligible to purchase off-peak parking permits.


2024-2025 Annual Price (based on 8 months): $168

Off-peak permits are available by the semester or by the academic year.

Full academic year off-peak permits are valid the first day of classes through the end of the academic year.

Single semester permits are valid for an entire semester, based upon the start and end dates.

Individuals who no longer need or desire off-peak parking during any portion of the year may choose to return their permit to Transportation Services and will be given a pro-rated refund of any unused portion.

Parking Locations

Off-peak parking is available in a variety of designated campus parking garages, lots and areas. Visit the off-peak parking map for details regarding specific parking areas accessible with off-peak permits.

Parking Privileges and Control Hours

Off-peak permits are authorized for use in most employee intermediate parking areas after 3:30 p.m. and in most employee core areas after 5 p.m. Visit our maps page for details on parking areas and times accessible by off-peak permits. Signage at the entry to parking areas and any additional control signage, curb markings and other parking control devices within these areas take precedence over maps and general campus information.

Purchase Process and Calendar

Off-peak permits are available for purchase year-round by calling the Transportation Services' customer care center at 859-257-5757 or purchasing online. 

Off-Peak (UK HealthCare)

An Off-Peak UK HealthCare parking permit (OHC permit) or other valid employee permit is required when parking during authorized off-peak periods at UK HealthCare patient/patient visitor areas. Permits must be displayed starting March 1, 2024.

OHC permits are issued free of charge, and are only valid for off-peak parking in the UK HealthCare patient/patient visitor areas specified in UK HealthCare policy A10-055. OHC permits are not valid for any other location, at any other time.


There is no charge for a OHC permit.

Parking Privileges and Control Hours

UK HealthCare policy A10-055 authorizes UK HealthCare employees and associates to park in the below listed patient and patient/visitor parking facilities Monday through Friday, 4:30 p.m. to 8 a.m., on weekends, and during official university holidays, unless otherwise signed or restricted. 

However, employees are required to park on the upper levels of the garages, reserving the more convenient lower levels for early arriving patients and patient visitors. The OHC permit will help monitor where employees are parking in the garage.

  • UK HealthCare Garage (PS #8), Transcript Avenue (Levels D & above only)
  • Kentucky Clinic Garage (PS #3), Huguelet Drive ( Levels 4 or above Sunday through Thursday nights. Employees can park on levels 2 or above in PS #3 on Friday and Saturday nights.)
  • UK HealthCare Good Samaritan Hospital Garage (Levels E or above)
  • UK HealthCare Good Samaritan Medical Office Building, Warren Court
  • Professional Arts Center visitor parking areas, 135 E. Maxwell St. 

Off-peak parking areas do not include parking at emergency departments, Markey Cancer Center, main entry drives and other signed and restricted areas.

Instructions for Obtaining an OHC Permit

UKHC employees can obtain an OHC permit by visiting UK Transportation Services' office in person. Our customer service center is located at 721 Press Avenue. Employees can also call 859-257- 5757 to request that the permit be made ready for pick-up at our exterior express window. Please bring a picture ID and the make, model, color, and license plate number of your vehicle.

Employee Remote

The Employee Remote (EX) permit is a specialty parking permit restricted for use by UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment (CAFE). This permit entitles CAFE employees authorization to park in the Greg Page Laundry Lot, located off Commonwealth Drive behind the Greg Page Laundry. The EX permit also grants users access to most campus parking lots during designated off-peak periods, generally after 3:30 p.m. and on weekends.

CAFE employees wishing to purchase an EX permit must do so in person at the UK Transportation Services office, located at 721 Press Avenue. The cost is one half of the intermediate employee rate and payroll deduction is available. Up to 40 EX permits are available on a first come, first served basis.

Transportation from the Greg Page Laundry Lot to the broader campus is available via the Green Connector Route and the Blue and White campus routes.


Single-day permits, also known as scratch-off permits, are a great option for employees, students and visitors who only need to park on campus occasionally. Please visit this page for complete details.

Employee Commuter

Employee commuter permits provide a predictable parking option at a discounted hourly rate. Employee commuter permits are designed for employees with offices off campus who travel to campus infrequently.

Employee commuter permits allow the permit holder to park in one of the two hourly paid parking garages on campus. The authorized garage will be indicated on the permit by a hole punch. Upon entry to the garage, the permit holder will take a paper ticket and then park with the permit fully visible either hanging from the rear view mirror or placed on the front left dash. The permit must be visible to avoid receiving a citation. This permit will qualify the driver for a reduced parking rate, which the driver will pay upon exit.

Employee commuter permits are issued at no cost. However, because it is issued at no cost and is limited for use in the garage indicated on the permit, this permit cannot be used in any other parking lot on campus, including parking around Kroger Field Stadium.

Eligibility, Application Process and Calendar

Employee commuter parking permits are not available for purchase by the general campus community. Employee commuter permits will be approved based on office location, position responsibilities, job requirements and parking availability.

Employees with offices off-campus may apply for an employee commuter permit by completing and submitting this application.  A committee of UK HealthCare senior administrators will make final decisions regarding assignment of employee commuter permits. 

Employees with active employee commuter permits may renew their existing permit annually unless instructed otherwise. The renewal window typically begins in May. Online renewal with permit pickup or mail delivery will be available. 

Permits are valid July 1 through June 30 of the following year.


2024-2025 Hourly Rate: $0.75

Parking Locations

Employee commuter parking is available in the following locations:

  • E7: Sports Center Garage (PS #7)
  • Cornerstone Garage (formerly South Limestone Garage) (PS #5)

Renewals & Permit Sales to Begin:  To be announced

Employee Service

Employees whose position responsibilities require them to provide service or frequently make deliveries to various locations across campus may be eligible for an Employee Service (ES) permit. ES permits provide the standard conveniences of an Employee Intermediate permit with the added advantages of the Service Permit.

Employee Service Permit Benefits

Vehicles displaying an ES permit are permitted in service areas or loading zones. The driver of a vehicle displaying an ES permit must be engaged in delivering materials or providing a service on campus. In addition, an ES permit allows the driver to park in any employee intermediate lot or structure on campus.

Service Areas and Control

Service areas are designated by yellow and white stripes or service area signs. Vehicles displaying ES permits may park in these areas for a maximum of 2 hours. Any request for an extension of the time limit must be made through Transportation Services. Service areas are controlled for permits between the hours of 5 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, unless otherwise signed.

Loading Zones

Loading zones are designated by black and yellow striped lines or loading zone signs. Vehicles displaying UK E, ES, ADA accessible, S permits or vehicles on official business bearing United States Government or Kentucky Official license plates, or motor vehicles marked as delivery vehicles, may park in these areas for a maximum of 15 minutes for the loading or unloading items. Loading zones are controlled 24 hours a day year round.

Application Process

ES permits must be pre-approved by the employee’s department supervisor and the Director of Transportation Services. The supervisor should contact Transportation Services at 859-257-5757. 


2024-2025 ES Permit Monthly Price: $84

2024-2025 ES Permit Annual Price: $​1,008

Employee – Department Cost Splitting

The cost of the ES permit can be split between the employee, who would pay the Employee Intermediate permit rate of $42/month, and the department, who would pay the Service Permit portion of $37/month. The cost split must be pre-approved by the department. It is not possible for the department to pay the full amount of the permit or pay more than the $37/month portion. The department can choose not to pay any portion of the ES permit.

Employee Limited

Limited permits are primarily used by people who need early morning or afternoon access to the fitness facilities on Complex Drive or access to the Export Street MoveWell* fitness center location.

Limited parking permits are only valid in the University Drive Garage (PS #1), located across University Drive from Seaton Center/Johnson Center, from 5 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and after 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. They are also valid in spaces reserved for two hour parking in front of the MoveWell* fitness center location, and in the two-hour parking spaces on Export Street.

Limited permits are issued at a very low cost. However, because the permits are issued at a reduced cost and are limited for use to special times and locations, Limited permits cannot be used in any other campus parking lots, including the Periphery lots (Red, Blue and Commonwealth Drive lots) in the vicinity of Kroger Field Stadium.


2024-2025 Monthly Rate: $9 per month
Limited permits are available for employees, retirees, students and spouses of each.

*MoveWell membership is exclusively available to UK employees, retirees, spouses and sponsored dependents. Students cannot be members.


University of Kentucky retirees are eligible for a reduced parking rate on campus. Individuals with E-Retiree permits may park in any intermediate E Lot, K Lot or EK area. 

2024-2025 Annual Cost (12 months): $126 (free if retired prior to 7-1-1995)


Motorcycles and motor scooters are popular commuter options on UK's campus. Please see this page for details about motorcycle permits.


The University of Kentucky provides American with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible parking spaces specifically designated for use by those who are mobility-impaired or who meet the criteria set forth in KRS 186.042. These spaces are clearly marked with the universal symbol for ADA accessible areas. 

For more information about ADA permits, please visit this page.

Additional Employee Permits

BCTC Employees

Bluegrass Community Technical College (BCTC) employees may purchase an E10 permit that enables them to park near the BCTC Cooper campus in the Green Lot and the North Red Lot.

Authorized Parking Location:

  • Areas designated for E-10 permits (Green Lot & North Red Lot)

Permit Purchase & Pricing

Permit Sales Begin: Wednesday, May 22, 2024

VA Hospital Employees

VA Hospital employees can get either an E-VA (Intermediate) permit or an EK (Periphery) permit. Both permits provide the employee with flexible parking options at the University’s standard price points, but does not guarantee availability in any specific area.


Eligibility for the E-VA permit is determined by Veterans Administration officials. Please contact your human resources department for additional information.

All VA employees are eligible for the EK permit.


E-VA Permit

2024-2025 Annual Price: $502

EK Permit

2024-2025 Annual Price: $408

Permits are valid July 1 through June 30 of the following year. E-VA and EK parking permit fees are not eligible for payroll deduction. The E-VA permits can only be purchased on an annual basis. The EK permit can be purchased on an annual basis or a six-month basis.

Parking Locations

E-VA permit parking is available in any regular employee intermediate lot or structure. These areas are designated by traditional E parking control signs without a specific parking lot number assignment (e.g. E2) and includes, but is not limited to, the following relevant areas:

  • University Drive Garage (PS #1)
  • Kroger Field Periphery Lots
  • Ag North lots
  • Large Gluck Lot
  • Press Avenue Garage (PS #6)
  • Sports Center Drive area surface lots

See our employee parking map for more detailed information.

EK periphery parking is available in the Kroger Field Orange Lot and the Large Gluck Lot. Additionally, EK periphery parking permits also grant access to the Stadium Red and Blue Lots as well as the Soccer/Softball Lots and the Commonwealth Drive Lot.

Parking Privileges and Control Hours

E-VA permit holders are eligible to park in any designated intermediate employee parking garage, lot or area. Additionally, E-VA permits authorize the permit holder to park in any EK periphery parking area, including the Kroger Field periphery parking lots (Blue, Red, Orange and Purple). However, signage at the entry to parking areas and any additional control signage, curb markings and other parking control devices within these areas take precedence over maps and general campus information.

In general, most employee intermediate and periphery parking areas are enforced for permits under the following schedule:

  • E-VA and EK permits required: Monday through Friday: 5 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  • Any valid permit: Monday through Thursday: 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • No permit required: Monday through Thursday: 7:30 p.m. to 5 a.m.; Friday after 3:30 p.m. & all day Saturday and Sunday

Purchase Calendar (In-Office Sales Only)

Permit Sales Begin: Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Shriners Hospital Employees

Shriners Hospital employees may purchase an E-Intermediate (E) or Employee Periphery (EK) permit. Please contact your human resources department for a parking permit application.

UK Partner Employees

The University has a number of affiliated businesses and organizations that require parking spaces on UK's campus. If you work for an affiliated or partner organization, please contact your human resources department regarding parking permit options and applications.

In general, UK partner and affiliated organization employees are eligible for employee intermediate and employee periphery parking permits.

Using an Employee Parking Permit

Once you receive your parking permit, hang it on your rearview mirror or display it on the left side of your dashboard in plain sight. The permit is registered to you and can be used in any vehicle you drive. The permit may not be used by anyone else and if you lend your vehicle to someone with your permit on display, you will still be held responsible for any citation issued to it.

Permit Fee Refunds

In most cases, the cost of employee permits can be deducted from your paycheck. You may also return your permit to Transportation Services for a refund. Permit prices and refunds are pro-rated on a monthly basis.