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Student Commuter Permits are now available for renewal by returning UK students who have previously had a C5 or C9 permit. This priority pre-sale window is available through Friday, June 19, on a first come, first served basis. Once the pre-sale window has closed, all remaining student commuter permits will be offered for sale to the broader student commuter population with 60 or more credit hours. Returning students are encouraged to purchase permits online by logging into their customer account.

This year, C9 permits are the only commuter permits available. All previous C5 permit holders will be eligible for the C9 permit pre-sale window.

Permit renewal time also offers students a good opportunity to consider other methods of transportation to, from and around campus, rather than single occupancy vehicles. Transportation Services offers a number of attractive incentives to encourage students to consider sustainable options, such as biking, busing, walking or ride sharing. For details about these incentives, visit the Incentives section of our website.

For students who choose to park on campus, please note that 2019-2020 parking permits must be displayed no later than Monday, August 3. All outstanding parking citations must be paid before a permit purchase will be processed. Citations may be paid online.

New commuter students will have an opportunity to purchase a commuter (C9) permit starting on Monday, June 20 and will continue until sold out.

Commuter permits for the 2019-2020 permit year cost $320 for the academic year. Students who choose to purchase a commuter permit are required to park within their designated area. For more details about commuter permits, please visit our student commuter permit page.