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UK’s Student Transportation Council is seeking new student members! Submit your application today if you’re interested in helping to create and decide on which transportation-related projects receive funding on campus!

As a member of the Student Transportation Council, you’ll play an active role in deciding how funds are allocated for sustainable transportation-related projects. In total, the council oversees the allocation of approximately $250,000 each year.

These funds come from a $5 transportation fee that each student pays as part of their academic fees. This money is used exclusively for projects, programs, and partnerships that are designed to enhance automobile-free access to, from, and around campus for students.

Previously funded projects include the popular Kentucky Wildcab service, planned construction of a new Wildcat Wheels Bicycle Library shop, extending the campus Yellow Route bus service over the weekend, and regional airport shuttle service to area airports during academic breaks.

The Council meets once monthly to discuss ideas and review proposals. No experience is necessary! Build your resume, gain leadership experience, and exercise your voice in ways that can improve UK’s transportation infrastructure.

Objectives of the Student Transportation Council include:

  • Seeking out and implementing transportation-related initiatives and partnerships focused on increasing mobility or expanding transportation options tailored to the unique needs of students;
  • Pursuing projects or initiatives that might otherwise be unfunded or underfunded due to other university-wide parking or transportation priorities;
  • Exploring pilot programs to test unique or innovative initiatives and then track outcomes and recommend permanent funding alternatives;
  • Establishing an ongoing dialogue and partnership between UK Transportation Services and students; and
  • Raising the awareness of all alternative transportation programs among the student community.

It’s easy to apply. Learn more about the Student Transportation Council here. If you have questions, email