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Lexington Seeks Input on Draft Bike & Pedestrian Plan

The Lexington Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has released a draft of the 2017 Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan and is encouraging the public to review it and offer feedback. The plan outlines policies, actions and projects that are intended to improve biking and walking in Fayette and Jessamine counties.

To review the plan, go to From there, the public can:

  • Read the Executive Summary (PDF) for highlights of the draft plan
  • Check out the online, interactive map for a detailed review of project priorities in both Fayette and Jessamine Counties. Citizens are encouraged to “like” the projects they are the most excited about.
  • Submit comments

Public comments will be accepted until Friday, Dec. 8 for this round of the review process.

Any additional questions or comments can be sent directly to Scott Thompson at

The final plan is anticipated to be complete by January 2018.

UK Transportation Services is on Twitter! To follow news on transportation issues on campus, including bikes, go to