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Following the start of the spring 2020 semester, the Orange Lot has been experiencing a surge in parking demand, resulting in the lot reaching capacity sooner than the typical times experienced during fall 2019.  A large component of this increased parking demand is likely the result of temporary loss of on-street parking along University Drive due to utility infrastructure work.


As a result, UK Transportation Services, in consultation with UK HealthCare leadership, will temporarily shift the start time of the Orange Route Extension service from 9:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Monday through Thursday. This shift will begin on Monday, Jan. 27, and will be in effect through Thursday, Feb. 27. It will be reevaluated thereafter to see if the early initiation of the Orange Route Extension service remains necessary.


Additionally, the Orange Lot uncharacteristically reached capacity today, the first time for a Friday. As the lot approached capacity shortly after 10:30 a.m., Transportation Services started the Orange Route extension service. While this is likely an isolated event, Transportation Services will continue to closely monitor Friday activity and will establish more permanent Friday Orange Route Extension service as needed.


Transportation Services strives to operate the Orange Route as efficiently as possible. To that end, we want to ensure that the Orange Route Extension is in operation when needed, but not operating too early, so as to not impact the overall efficiency of the route and unnecessarily delay the commute for employees parking in the Orange Lot.


We will continue to monitor Orange Lot parking capacity in the coming weeks and will communicate any schedule modifications of the extension.