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see blue. On Two Wheels During 4th Annual Bike Week

UK will celebrate its 4th annual Bike Week April 11-16 as part of Earth Days in the Bluegrass. Bike Week is presented by the UK Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) and Parking and Transportation Services (PTS).

Bike Week includes seven events throughout the week, as well as an interactive photo-based scavenger hunt. Events throughout Bike Week will educate students, faculty and staff about seeing blue on two wheels at UK, which has been designated as a Silver level Bicycle Friendly University.

Since its beginnings in 2013, Bike Week has grown to include events that educate, encourage and celebrate bicycling amongst our campus community. The week has something for everyone, whether they are interested in learning about campus bike resources and programs or whether they are a passionate cyclist looking to get more involved.

The week’s schedule is:

  • All Week - Ride and Seek, Sustainability-Style
  • Monday, April 11, 11:30 am.- 5 p.m. - Get Your DIY On! Fix-It Station Demonstrations
  • Tuesday, April 12, 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. – Periscope with a Bike Mechanic
  • Wednesday, April 13, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. – Bike to Campus Day & On-the-Spot Safety Checks (Rain Date: April 20)
  • Thursday, April 14, 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. - Tour de Downtown Art
  • Friday, April 15, 7 p.m. - Bike-In Movie: The Late Night Film Series Presents Freeheld
  • Friday, April 15, 10 p.m. - Bike-In Movie: The Late Night Film Series Presents The Hateful Eight
  • Saturday, April 16, 9 a.m. – Donut Tour on Two Wheels

All Bike Week events are free. However, participants in either of the week’s group rides must sign up in advance, and riders on the Donut Tour on Two Wheels are responsible for purchasing their own donuts.

For more information about Bike Week, visit To learn more about bicycling on campus, check out the PTS alternative transportation information here.

UK Parking and Transportation Services is on Twitter! To follow news on parking and transportation issues on campus, including bikes, go to