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UK Transportation Services hit the ground running last semester with the kick-off of its Bicycle Master Plan project. UK is a nationally recognized Gold-Level Bicycle Friendly University and is now creating the roadmap for the next five years to take an already great bike network and make it even better. Help us do that by providing your input!

What is the Bicycle Master Plan?

The Bicycle Master Plan is designed to thoroughly evaluate the status of the existing multimodal network on campus. Its purpose is to explore opportunities for enhancing facilities that make biking and scooting across campus the easy first choice. With assistance and input from you, we’re developing a comprehensive list of recommendations for the next five years.

Why are you reaching out to me and where can I learn more?

We’re reaching out to people and organizations on campus to help spread the word about this project and invite you to join us. Your voice matters and is important for this project. The project website is the hub for information: Check it out and stay tuned for updates!

Get Involved!

We have an interactive map on our project website where you can drop comments about what you love about biking on campus and what would make it even better. Click here to get started.

What’s next?

We’ll send more information next week about the story map we’ve built that summarizes the feedback we’ve received thus far and illustrates the multimodal analysis that was conducted last semester. Click here for a sneak peek!

UK Transportation Services is committed to providing commuting alternatives and intra-campus mobility for UK employees, students and guests. Our team manages parking, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, e-scooter, and ride share programs – everything you need to get to, from and around campus. We’re excited about the opportunity to make biking and scooting even more safe and comfortable. Thanks for coming along for the ride!