UK HealthCare employees should plan ahead for a seamless commute on weekends, and know that they have a variety of parking alternatives. Please see the graphic, which outlines some of your choices:
Your Options:
- Kentucky Clinic Garage (Parking Structure #3) *Recommended parking option
- UK HealthCare Garage (Parking Structure #8)
- Press Avenue Garage (Parking Structure #6)
- University Drive Garage (with ID)
- Employee surface lots around Press Avenue Garage, including Transcript, Leader Avenue, Gazette, & Press Avenue North
Below are additional details that may be useful as you plan your commute:
- UK HealthCare employees with UK HealthCare off-peak permits or other valid UK parking permits are authorized to park in healthcare garages on weekends, per UKHC parking regulations. UK HealthCare administrators ask that employees please utilize the Kentucky Clinic Garage (PS #3) on weekends, leaving the UK HealthCare Garage available for patients and patient visitors.
- Parking is prohibited on University Drive beginning at 12:01 a.m. on home football game days, so please avoid parking in that area.
- If you park in the Kroger Field Orange Lot or the large Gluck Equine Center Lot on the Friday before game day, please avoid the areas reserved for RV permits if your vehicle will be there past 7:30 p.m. Friday.
- Press Avenue Garage (PS #6) on Press Avenue, may be a convenient parking option for UK HealthCare employees on game day, as well as the employee intermediate surface lots in the vicinity of the garage.
- A good rule of thumb would be that if you've parked in an area used for football parking, please make sure your vehicle is moved prior to 7 a.m. Saturday.
See the football game day relocation map here. Additional details about home football game day impacts are below.
Students and employees who park in the following lots and structures should relocate their vehicles prior to 7 a.m. on game day:
- Periphery (RK, CK, & EK) parking lots at Kroger Field (Blue, South Red Lot & Orange lot), Commonwealth Drive Lot, College Way East and West lots, and Wildcat Court lots
- North Red Lot (E10, C10, & R10
- Sports Center Garage (PS #7)
- Sports Center Drive Lots
- Shively Lot (R16 & C16
- Woodland Avenue Lot (E-Intermediate
- Columbia Avenue East Lot (E-Intermediate)
- Ag Greenhouse Lots near the Agriculture Science Center North Building
- University Drive Garage (PS #1)
In addition, students and employees who park in the Green Lot (C10, R10, E10) should relocate their vehicle prior to 10 p.m. on the Friday before home football game days.