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Transit Promo

Wondering when your bus will arrive? Use Transit to take the guesswork out of the University’s campus bus system.

Transit makes it easy to track buses on and off-campus, and the app is free to all UK students and employees.

Simply download Transit for Android or Apple devices to see bus and other transportation options in real-time, including nearby stops.

Users can see all bus routes in the vicinity, including off-campus Lextran routes, as well as other ride-sharing options such as Uber. This technology provides Wildcats with an impressive range of features.

Tap any route in the Transit list for more information, including maps, service alerts, and upcoming departures.

Features include:

  • Transit’s trip companion, GO, gives users step-by-step transit directions and notifications. GO is like GPS for transit and can send notifications when it’s time to catch your ride, and even when it’s time to get off.
  • Pin your most frequently used routes to bring those options to the top when checking for nearby transit choices.
  • Subscribe to service and stop-based alerts.
  • Set your favorite destinations.
  • Add some fun to your daily commute by creating personalized emoji avatars.

Download Transit today to track your ride!

Have questions about the app? Visit Transit’s Help page or email UK Transportation Services