In the event of severe winter weather, please be aware that there may be impacts to campus bus service. In general, campus bus routes will continue to run even if the University is operating on a delay, early dismissal, or a delay turned to a closure. The Blue, White, Yellow, Green, and Orange routes will continue to run as conditions allow.
UK employees have a new Orange Route bus stop option starting this week. The South Red Lot stop is located adjacent to the newly-designated employee periphery (EK) parking area in the South Red Lot.
Did you know that there’s a shuttle service available through Foothills Express for members of the University of Kentucky community who commute from or through Clark County?
Welcome back, Wildcats! The spring 2024 semester is now underway. Please see below for details about campus parking and transportation updates for the new semester.
Thanksgiving Break is just around the corner, and UK Transportation Services wants to remind students, staff, and faculty that during the break there will be parking and campus bus service changes.