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Parking Control Information Update

Summer parking control on campus ends on Friday, August 12, which means that summer parking permits will not be valid after that date. Beginning Saturday, August 13, and extending through Sunday, August 21, the Kroger Field Periphery (K) lots, R19 lots, and Remote (X) lots will not be controlled for parking permits. These lots are temporarily taken off control during this time to assist with student move-in. These lots will return to regular parking control on the first day of classes, Monday, August 22.

Milling & Paving Work to Start as Early as Monday

Contractors are expected to begin milling and paving sections of several campus streets, starting as early as Monday, August 8, weather permitting. Sections of University Drive, Hilltop Avenue, and Huguelet Drive will be milled and then paved. Parking on northbound University Drive between Cooper and Complex drives and between Huguelet and Hilltop avenues may be unavailable during this time. This work will take place overnight, from approximately 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and is expected to be completed by Monday, August 15.  

Parking Control Changes Slated for Several Campus Area Streets & Roads

UK Transportation Services will begin implementing parking permit control on several roads adjacent to campus beginning on Monday, August 1.

Shuttle Option Available for Clark County Residents

UK Transportation Services is pleased to share information about a valuable shuttle service available through Foothills Express for members of the University of Kentucky community who commute from or through Clark County.  

Work in Press Avenue Garage to Impact Parking

Contractors will begin replacing an expansion joint on the first floor ramp in Press Avenue Garage (PS #6) as early as Wednesday, July 27. This work will impact parking availability on the ramp, but traffic to the upper levels of the structure will be maintained. As many as 40 parking spaces on the first floor ramp may be unavailable during this time. The project is expected to last approximately 10 days.

Pedalpalooza is Set for Friday, August 19

Interested in riding a bike on campus this fall or learning more about cycling in general? Pedalpalooza -- UK Transportation Services’ annual K Week event -- provides a perfect opportunity to meet other student cyclists in a fun environment. Plus, participants who complete three on-site bike challenges will be entered into a drawing to win a free Series 7 Apple Watch! Pedalpalooza is scheduled from 1pm-3pm on Friday, Aug. 19, in the Gatton Student Center parking lot. The event is  free for all.

Rose Street Traffic Impacts Expected Next Week

Traffic impacts are expected on Rose Street beginning as early as Monday, July 18.   Columbia Gas employees are scheduled to begin replacing gas mains and service lines along Rose Street as part of a larger area project. Primary impacts are expected in the vicinity of the Chi Omega House and the Hilary J. Boone Center. Columbia Gas employees expect to shut down one lane at a time in specific work areas. Flaggers will be on-site to direct traffic.  

Lanes closed on Euclid Ave. starting July 11th-16th

Euclid Ave. will be one-way toward E. High St. from Transylvania Park to Woodland Ave. from Monday, July 11th through Saturday, July 16th. The northbound lanes of Euclid Ave. will be closed at Woodland Ave. to facilitate a sewer line repair and replacement. Motorists traveling on Euclid Ave. toward campus can use Woodland Ave. and Rose Ln. as a detour route. Please drive slowly and watch for pedestrians and workers in construction areas.

Enjoy Lexington’s Fireworks Display from the Rooftop of Cornerstone

Grab a seat on the rooftop of Cornerstone to watch Lexington’s Fourth of July fireworks show this year!

Fourth of July Holiday will Impact Campus Parking, Bus Service

The upcoming Independence Day holiday on Monday, July 4, will impact campus parking and bus schedules.

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