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Scoot Safe this Semester!

Learn safety tips and resources for scooters on campus.

Employees Get Rewarded for Going Car-Free

UK Transportation Services is now accepting applications for its Cash Out program. Now in its fifth year, Cash Out financially rewards employees who choose to forego a parking permit for one year. The program is limited to the first 100 qualified applicants. Cash Out provides participants with $200 over a one-year period, evenly divided across paychecks. It’s designed for employees who are interested in alternative modes of transportation, such as riding the bus, bicycling, carpooling or walking to campus.

Bike Voucher Program Open for Applications

UK Transportation Services is now accepting applications for the 2021 Bike Voucher program. Now in its seventh year, the program offers the first 100 qualified applicants $400 each in vouchers that are valid at any of four participating local bike shops. “If you’ve been considering commuting to UK on a bike, this program provides a great incentive to formalize that commitment,” said Sandra Broadus, UK Transportation Services’ Alternative Transportation Manager.

Commute Club Applications now Open

Do you ride the bus, walk, or a ride a bike to campus daily? Check out Commute Club, a program that rewards students and employees for making a one-year, car-free commitment. Applications for Commute Club are now open! Students and employees can apply anytime between now and September for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

Don't be Rude! Operate Shared E-Scooters Properly

Springtime is the perfect time to hop aboard an e-scooter and take a spin around campus, either for fun or out of necessity. Since e-scooters are still relatively new at UK, the following etiquette rules bear repeating: When ending a ride on campus, the scooter must be parked upright at a bike rack or in a shared mobility area. Bike racks are located at nearly every building on campus and a map of all locations can be found here. Shared mobility areas are identified by the following signage:

ADA Spaces on Veterans Drive to be Impacted

A project scheduled to begin on Monday, March 29, will impact six ADA spaces adjacent to the heating and cooling tower on Veterans Drive. These spaces will be blocked and unavailable beginning at 5 p.m. today through Friday, April 2. Additional ADA-accessible parking is available in the Orange Lot immediately adjacent to the bus shelter. Work is expected to be completed by April 2, weather permitting. Veterans Drive will remain open to traffic during this time.

Gate 2 Area of Campus Closed to Traffic this Weekend

The Gate 2 area of campus will be closed to traffic this weekend to allow for a pavement restriping project. The University's Physical Plant Division will be managing the project in this area, which is located between Funkhouser Building and the Rosenberg College of Law. (Please see map). Closure is expected to begin late Friday afternoon and continue through Sunday, March 28, weather permitting.

2021 Donations for Citations Program Totals 960 Pounds

Staff at UK Transportation Services delivered a van-load of donations to Big Blue Pantry (BBP) this week, totaling 960 pounds. The food and personal care items were donated during the annual Donations for Citations program. This year marks the sixth for Donations for Citations, which helps stock Pantry shelves. Since its inception, more than 11,500 pounds of staples have been collected for the Pantry.

KY Wildcab Service Cancelled for Thursday

Kentucky Wildcab, UK's free, late night on-demand transportation option for students, will not be in service this Thursday evening. Many secondary roads, apartment complex parking lots and pedestrian walkways remain ice-covered and hazardous, prompting the decision to cancel service. Kentucky Wildcab is designed to provide a ride home to UK students and their guests while promoting responsible late-night transportation decisions. The service operates primarily using student drivers.

Settle a Citation by Stocking the Shelves at Big Blue Pantry!

Donations for Citations, a popular program that helps stock the shelves at UK’s Big Blue Pantry, will take place beginning Monday, March 1, through Friday, March 12. UK students and employees who have a parking citation can pay their fee during this two-week period by donating food or personal care items to Big Blue Pantry. This will be the sixth year that UK Transportation Services has partnered with the on-campus food pantry that works to combat hunger and food insecurity for UK students.

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